06 JAN 2015
Let’s grab one for you from our DESIGN…
Supply, Design and Sale All Type of Head Scarf with 100% Lycra from Korea
plain lycra, m size
All item BELOW is rm28/pcs…
p/s = including shipping…
It’s lycra material (body and awning)
item 140 = greenish
item139 = soft pink
item 138 = soft orange
item 137 = dark grey
butterfly style, m size
All item oval style is rm35/pcs…
p/s = including shipping…
It’s lycra material
And also butterfly style (body)
item 136 = sweet green
item 135 = prune
item 134 = belacan
item 133 = soft orange
item132 = soft brown
item 131 = shocking orange
item 130 = brown nescafe
item 129 = beige
item 128 = purple belacan
item 127 = coco
item 126 = shocking pink
item 125 = grey
item 124 = pinkpeach
item 123 = bluewish
item 122 = fuhsia
item 121 = mustard color
thai silk box, M size (body)
All item below is rm39/pcs…
p/s = including shipping…
It’s lycra material (body)
n thai silk box grade a (awning)
item 120 = medium purple
item 119 = turqoish ble
item 118 = dark orange
item 117 = pure white
item 116 = green pucuk pisang
item 115 = reddish
item 114 = brown & purple prune
item 113 = blue black
item 112 = striking orange
item 111= baby pink
plain thai silk, M size (all item is sold out)
All item below is rm35/pcs…
p/s = including shipping…
It’s lycra material (body)
n thai silk grade a (awning)
item 110 = turqoish green
item 109 = brown nescafe
item 108 = pure white
item 107 = merah bata
item 106 = pink peach
item 105 = green lumut
item 104 = turqoish blue
item 103 = medium grey
item 102 = medium purple
item 101 = magenta
Plain Lycra, M size
All plain lycra below is rm28/pcs…
p/s = including shipping…